Lightfast Limited - technical consultants and sole distribution partners for KEIM UK on the Isle of Man.
Market Hall facade, Douglas-Restoration works of the Douglas Market Hall portico using KEIM Restauro; the complete stone restoration system.
Murdoch Chamber, South Quay, Douglas-Natural sandstone restoration works complete at Murdoch Chambers, South Quay, Douglas using KEIM Restauro system to restore damaged natural stone requires appropriate materials and methods in order to retain and protect stone and to reproduce its original appearance.
Christ Church, Rushen-The interior re-ordering and refurbishment of Christ Church, Rushen, was carried out using Keim lime plasters, Keim Optil mineral paints and Keim Restauro natural stone restoration products to create a clean, dry, bright finish to the church interiors.
Bridge House, Port Erin-Keim mineral paint was applied to existing painted render providing decades of protection against our Islands harsh marine environment.
The Nunnery, Douglas – Lodge House-A modern extension to an historic building, receiving applications of KEIM Universal, a modern lime based thincoat render and KEIM Solidat-ME Photocatalytic mineral paint.
Henry Bloom Noble Primary School, Douglas-KEIM Royalan mineral dispersion paints were chosen for all new exterior render panels of the new Henry Bloom Noble Primary School,Douglas, specifically developed for long term protection of exterior mineral substrates located in harsh marine environments.
St. Paul’s Church, Ramsey-Recent maintenance works to St. Paul's Church, Ramsey involving the removal of render dash and application of KEIM Solidat mineral paints specifically developed for over-painting of previously painted surfaces. This system carries a minimum 10 year warranty on previously painted surfaces and minimum 15 years on unpainted mineral substrates.
St. Mary’s Church, Port St. Mary-Lightfast IOM, suppliers of KEIM mineral paints have been involved with the specification and supply of correct materials for the conservation of the beautiful church interior.
Grovsenor Building, Promenade, Douglas-The conservation of this historic building facade was carried out using KEIM mineral lime based render and fillers and painted using KEIM Royalan paint which has been specifically developed for use in harsh climatic conditions such as the Isle of Man.
Old House of Keys, Castletown-The exterior decoration of this historic building using Keim Mineral Paints; as supplied by Lightfast Ltd. the islands agency for Keim.