Keim NHL Kalkputz
Is a multipurpose Natural Hydraulic Lime (NHL) render for manual and machine application, suitable for interior, exterior and damp areas.
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Keim NHL Kalkputz can be used as a complete lime render system that can be subsequently decorated with any of the Keim Mineral Paint systems.
Keim NHL Kalkputz is also suitable for patch repair of existing rendered facades, over large or in localised areas.
Keim NHL Kalkputz is easy and reliable to process and apply. It is extremely flexible with excellent stability. Fibre reinforcement ensures reduced susceptibility to cracking and optimum wear resistance.
Key features and benefits:
- Simple, reliable and economic
- Highly breathable
- Ideal for renovation of buildings, preservation of historic monuments
- Suitable for covering mineral substrates
- Ideal for concealing cracks, flaking and differences in texture
- Fibre reinforced
- Outstanding machine processability
- Easy to apply
- Light colour
- Mineral renovation finishing render with 1.3 mm grain size (Keim NHL Kalkputz Grob)
- Fine finish available with 0.6 mm grain size (Keim NHL Kalkputz Fine)
- Compressive strength >1.5–5.0N/mm2, CS II