KEIM Brillant-Putz
Is a high-quality, mineral, thin-layer, through-coloured lightweight render based on mineral binders, high quality fillers and marble aggregates.
KEIM Brillant-Putz is ideal as a top render for all mineral substrates.
Keim Universal Render should be used for base coats.
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Keim Brillant-Putz is available in the following finishes –
Keim Brillant-putz-Glatt (Smooth) – grain size 1 mm
Keim Brillant-putz-Rille (Striated) – grain size 2 mm and 3 mm
Keim Brillant-Putz-Rau (Textured) – grain size 2 mm, 3 mm & 5 mm
Keim Brillant-Putz is available in a through coloured finish however it is a requirement of the system to overcoat with a single paint coat of Keim Soldalit. This ensures even colour coverage, allows for repairs and ensures absolute colour stability of the finish.