KEIM Universal Render Fine
Technical Data
Trowel applied than finished either using a textured or felt-float (when felt-floating, use firstly a coarse and then a fine sponge float).
As a single finishing layer (4 mm minimum to 8 mm maximum)
approx. 1.2 kg/m² per mm render thickness
20 kg sack
Product Description
Fine finish renovation and thin layer render system comprising hydrated lime, pozzolanic additives, sand and mineral fibre fillers.
Standard render to DIN EN 998-1, mortar category
Always use Keim Universal Render for base coats. Suitable for façade rendering and renovation/repair of sound existing renders (including synthetic resin renders) and sound existing paint coats (including synthetic resin paint coats) for interior and exterior areas.
Grain size: 0 – 0.6 mm